You are viewing the results for Manger Cup 2018. View the current results for Manger Cup 2019 here.

Åsane Fotball Damer J10 (f 2008) sol

Registration number: 1006
Registrator: Kristian Tindvik Sletten Log in
Primary shirt color: Orange
Leader: Kristian Tindvik Sletten
Åsane Fotball Damer was one of 25 clubs from Norway that had teams playing during Manger Cup 2018. They participated with one team in Jenter 10 (født 2008).

In addition to Åsane Fotball Damer, 5 other teams played in Jenter 10 (født 2008).

Åsane Fotball Damer comes from ULSET which lies approximately 24 km from Manger, where Manger Cup takes place. The area around ULSET does also provide 19 additional clubs participating during Manger Cup 2018 (Among others: Kvernbit, IL, Løv-Ham, IL, Baune, SK, Lindås IL, Nordhordland BK, Samnanger IL, Bergen Futsal Escolla, Søfteland TIL, Eikanger IL and Valestrand Hjellvik FK).

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